From the Information Commissioner’s Office:
An Undertaking to comply with the seventh data protection principle has been signed by The Parole Board after the potential loss of a prisoner’s parole dossier. Whilst there is a possibility that the dossier may have been securely destroyed in this case we do not consider that the Parole Board had enough organisational measures in place to prevent an incident of this nature.
As noted in the undertaking, in September 2013, the Parole Board informed the ICO that a paper dossier of evidence for a prisoner’s parole review had been potentially lost on a train when the parole member was traveling to carry out an initial assessment. The dossier contains personal information about a prisoner relating to their index offence, progress in custody and other confidential reports.
The parole member involved in the incident was almost certain that the documents had been shredded, but the possible incident was reported because the member could not specifically recall shredding this particular document and therefore considered it possible that they had left the dossier on the train. The parole member called the train company and the destination station and they both confirmed that the documents had not been discovered.