@hackinyolife (“Fear”) has posted data and a claim that the Bank of North Dakota was hacked by members of @TheFamilyMethod
The transaction logs dumped in a paste include fields like “ACCOUNT, ACCOUNT NAME, AMOUNT, AUTH CODE, AVS, BRAND, CARD ENDING, CVD, FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, MERCHANT TRANS. ID, OPTION CODE, DATE, TXN ID, CONF. NO., ERROR CODE, AUTH TYPE, TYPE, TXT_CITY, as well as address and phone number.
There were 124 transaction records in the log. They did not include the consumers’ names, but did include their postal addresses, type of card, and last 4 digits of the card number. The transactions appeared to be from 2008.
DataBreaches.net sent notification via email to BND yesterday morning, but received no response or acknowledgement asking them to confirm the authenticity of the data.
I would do an interview if you want
Dm @hackinyolife
Will contact you tomorrow, thanks!