Well, I emailed Hawking Technology (HawkingTech.com) on March 8 and again on March 10, and they never replied, but because some of their data have been publicly dumped, I may as well post this.
There were over 25,000 rows with fields for username, password, and email address in the data dump. The passwords were MD5 and easily cracked, including their adminstrator’s. Many of the entries were duplicates, tests, or dummy entries.
Another table had approximately 20 usernames, plain-text passwords, and email addresses.
DataBreaches.net sent an email this evening to [email protected], giving them the decrypted version of their password.
Hawking Technology is a U.S. business. Since 2011, the copyright date of their site, their site has shown up in a few places as either vulnerable to SQLi or as having been hacked already. How many entities may have hacked them previously is unknown, although a Google search finds evidence of an April, 2011 compromise being discussed on HackForums.net; there was a data dump in January, 2012, and Team GhostShell also dumped data from them in August, 2012.
The data in the dump I saw could be data that were originally dumped last month, as this tweet by Mr.Stark @OGSTRK points to a data dump, although the paste has since been removed:
https://t.co/LkwYWOoatm – hawking.hw_users Dumped #OGSTRK@HawkingTechhttps://t.co/f29CCCp5DG
— Mr.Stark (@OGSTRK) February 7, 2016