Telecompaper reports:
Kenyan operator Safaricom wants the police to investigate how confidential financial documents belonging to the firm were leaked. CEO Bob Collymore said the leaked report was in its initial stages, noting that no individuals or organisations benefited inappropriately from the company. After allegations arose of underhand dealings in Safaricom, Collymore commissioned KPMG to probe projects that had been carried out in the past two years and how the draft report was illegally made public.
The report, which was leaked on 17 May, pointed accusing fingers at top Safaricom managers in an alleged multi-billion shilling tendering irregularities. This has led Parliament to start its own probe into the matter. The report details a review of 23 questionable tenders that were awarded between September 2013 and August 2015.
Reuters reported today that Safaricom insists the report indicates no wrong-doing, although improvements could be made in awarding of supply contracts:
“There is absolutely no evidence that any individual or organisations benefited inappropriately from any of Safaricom’s commercial agreements,” it said in a statement.