I can almost hear Yogi Berra saying, “It’s deja vu all over again.” Lou Chibbaro Jr. reports:
CVS Caremark, a division of the CVS pharmacy and healthcare company, abruptly discontinued a mailing last week to patients in Ohio receiving HIV-related medication from the company after it learned that a reference to “HIV” appeared above the patients’ names in the window of the envelopes sent to about 4,000 people.
The inadvertent showing by CVS Caremark of an HIV reference on the outside of an envelope mailed to people with HIV came less than a month after the AETNA health insurance company accidently revealed the HIV status of its clients in a nationwide mailing to about 12,000, including some living in D.C.
AIDS activist Eddie Hamilton of Columbus, Ohio sent the Washington Blade a photocopy of the envelope he received from CVS Caremark on Aug. 24, which includes the notation “PM 6402 HIV” directly above his name and address in full view in the window of the envelope.
Read more on Washington Blade.