Note: this is the John F. Kennedy High School in La Palma, California.
October 3, 2018
Notice of Data Breach
As a precautionary measure, we are writing to inform you about a recent data security incident that occurred on October 2, 2018.
What Happened?
On October 2, 2018 at 5:04 p.m., an email was sent to certain parents/guardians of Kennedy High School students, inadvertently including student information of certain Kennedy High School students. The data security incident involved the inadvertent release of the name, Student ID number, email address, and phone numbers of certain Kennedy High School students. The information was disclosed to only those parents/guardians of students at Kennedy High School.
What information was involved?
Student first names, last names, Student ID number, email address, and telephone numbers.
Please be advised that student contact information including: student name, address, telephone number, and email address, are considered “directory information” pursuant to California Education Code section 49061(c).
What are we doing?
Upon knowledge of the incident on October 2, 2018, the information was immediately retracted on the same evening from all recipients to prevent further disclosure. We have corrected the authorization permissions for access to the information. Kennedy High School has also taken immediate steps to prevent the unauthorized use of student ID numbers by requiring verification of Student ID Cards for all food/beverage purchases involving affected Student ID numbers.
Kennedy High School takes the security of all personal information, including “directory information,” very seriously and has taken steps to prevent similar events from occurring in the future.
What you can do…
It is recommended that all students bring their Student ID Cards with them to school to verify purchases through Kennedy High School food services.
For more information…
Please contact the office of Dr. Zurbano, at (714) 220-4101.
We sincerely apologize for this unfortunate release of information.Sincerely,
Dr. Regina Zurbano
Principal, John F. Kennedy High School