Saadya Chevan reports:
Last April, the College’s Financial Aid office uploaded and accidentally made visible to students, faculty, and staff two confidential documents containing federal work-study (FWS) balances of 107 students from two Spring 2018 pay-periods. The documents also reveal by implication that all of these students had applied for and received financial aid awards that included but may not have been limited to FWS funding during the Spring 2018 semester. They remained visible to students on CamelWeb until mid September when they were removed for reasons that remain unknown. The College’s information security staff, who are in charge of securing the College’s network and its confidential electronic data, were unaware of this flaw until the Voice disclosed that it had accessed these files on Oct. 8, which resulted in the immediate launch of an investigation by the College’s cybersecurity insurance firm Beazley (Mr. Chevan also provided a recording and notes on an interview with Sean Martin, Director of Financial Aid, to the College’s network administrators for use in the investigation).
Read more on The College Voice.