Lachlan Markay reports:
A prominent Washington, D.C.-area consulting firm inadvertently published the names, phone numbers, home addresses, and email addresses of thousands of employees of America’s top aerospace and defense contractor.
Publicly available files maintained by the digital consultancy IMGE included extensive personal information on more than 6,000 Boeing employees, from senior executives to program managers to government-relations personnel, and even one executive at the company’s advanced prototyping arm that handles some of its most sensitive—and highly classified—work for the U.S. government.
Read more on DailyBeast.
CORRECTION: An earlier version of this post stupidly linked to text instead of the Daily Beast. Thanks to SecurityHumor for catching my error!
Link to this story (doesn’t seem to appear in article):
Thanks for all you do!
It was supposed to be there. Really. Truly. Brain fade resulted in linking to text instead of url.
Thanks for catching my mistake!