François Manens reports (translation):
50,000 user accounts of French hospital agents are for sale on a cybercriminal forum. This data could allow buyers to access the computer networks of certain health establishments. Once introduced to the system, criminals can deploy their ransomware and cripple the hospital.
New alert for French hospitals, this time launched by the monitoring site of the Ministry of Health on February 18, 2021. The Cert (Governmental Center for Monitoring, Alert and Response to Computer Attacks) has warned them of the sale of ‘a database on a cybercriminal forum. The thug published it on February 4 under the name “FR medecine related database”. Inside would be, according to the seller, a list of passwords and email addresses of ” 50,000 user accounts “. The Ministry of Health specifies that they “ probably belong to hospital center agents ”
Read more on Cyberguerre.
h/t, @Clarinette02