Pierre Fabre is a French multinational pharmaceutical and skin cosmetics firm. In March, 2020, in response to the pandemic they began to focus their efforts on producing hydroalcoholic gels and skin creams for hospitals to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Now Sandrine Morin reports (translation):
The entire production of the Pierre Fabre group has been at a standstill since Wednesday morning. In question: a cyberattack which would have intervened in the night around 4am. A large part of the employees had to return to their homes, production was stopped, explains a union source.
Read more on France Bleu.
Le Parisien provides additional details about the impact on work, but does not clarify whether this was a ransomware attack, whether there has been any ransom demand, and if it was a ransomware attack, what type of ransomware.
h/t, @Chum1ng0
Update of April 12: The REvil threat actors have added Pierre Fabre to their list of victims who did not pay their ransom demands. As this point, the threat actors have uploaded screencaps of work-related documents for employees.