Jake Kouns of DataLossDB.org kindly sends along this notice, reportedly from Trapster. The site, which is intended to help users avoid speed traps and other hazards, reports another kind of hazard – that its site was hacked and user email addresses and passwords may have been accessed or acquired. Peer360 provides a copy of the email Trapster reportedly sent its users:
Dear Trapster User:
The Trapster team has recently learned that our website has been the target of a hacking attempt, and it is possible that your email address and password were compromised. We have taken, and continue to take, preventative measures to avoid future incidents but we are recommending that you change your Trapster password. As always, Trapster recommends that you use distinctive passwords for each site you visit, but if you use the same password on Trapster that you use on other services, we recommend that you change your password on those services as well.
For information on how to reset your password or improve the security of your passwords for your Internet usage, please click FAQs.
The Trapster Team
A companion FAQ to the notice says, in part:
What do you know about the incident?
This was a single event. We understand how it occurred, and have taken steps to help prevent it from happening again.
Please note that we are taking these actions with our users as a precautionary measure. While we know that we experienced a security incident, it is not clear that the hackers successfully captured any e-mail addresses or passwords, and we have nothing to suggest that this information has been used.
The site only requires a username and password to join.
Note that there is no notice or confirmation of this on Trapster.com’s site at the time of this posting.