America. What a country.
The Florida Family Association (FFA) proudly declares itself:
… an organization that is made up of THOUSANDS OF SUPPORTERS across America who share in the same goal of improving America’s moral environment.
Florida Family Association’s mission statement in our IRS approved 501C3 application is to: Educate people on what they can do to defend, protect and promote traditional, biblical values.
Apparently, part of that effort involves getting Home Depot and Lowe’s to yank their advertising on TLC’s “All-American Muslim.”
Their campaign has not sat well with anyone who isn’t a bigot.
FFA has a right to espouse their views and to try to advocate for them. That’s what this country is about, right? But that doesn’t mean we have to like or endorse their views, and perhaps those who are upset with Lowe’s and Home Depot for their cowardly actions should make their voices heard by withholding their business from those businesses.
But Anonymous and AntiSec have taken it one step further. In a paste titled “#FloridaFamilyJUSTtheBeginning,” they write, in part:
Anonymous will not stand for hate and divisive vitriol to be spread across our country and whenever we can…we will stop it…
FFA you managed to use your power to influence Lowe’s to follow you into your racist stupor and they too will answer for that…
For now, you will answer to well as your unfortunate followers having personal information shared with the world so everyone can know how racist and hateful you all are.
What follows is proof of hack: 22 e-mail addresses with corresponding IP addresses of newsletter subscribers, a list of 13 e-mail addresses with type of credit card and the security code for the card, and admin login with encrypted passwords.
The hack was revealed yesterday afternoon on Twitter, but as of the time of this posting, there is no notice on the association’s web site.
Update 1: The site is now down, but the paste with the data remains. A message on FFA’s web site says:
No further proof is needed of the potential for vicious action then exactly what these folks are trying to do to this web site!
The attack has been extremely mean spirited. In a country that supposedly embraces free speech, those that oppose our postion have no qualms about destroying our free speech. Yet, these same folks claim the Internet should not be restricted in any way. How the two conflicting postions can be reconciled in their minds is beyond comprehension.
Because of our real concern for the terrorism that is a way of life for some folks, we ourselves have become victims. Because we urge others to be vigilant, we become the targets. Don’t let it happen folks, take a stand before it is too late. Please support Florida Family Association.
And the reason they didn’t get the paste removed is….?
Update: As of December 18, the paste is still online.