Grant Hatchimonji writes:
While threats to data security and privacy are often perceived to come from the outside, all signs point to internal threats being just as dangerous, intentional or not.
Forrester recently released its Understand the State of Data Security and Privacy report, which offered insight on the reasons behind data breaches, with internal threats emerging as the leading cause. The survey – which featured respondents from Canada, France, Germany, the UK, and the US from SMB and enterprise companies with two or more employees – also covered other topics, including how security budgets are being allocated and the changing landscape of security teams’ responsibilities.
According to Forrester’s research, insiders take the cake as the top source of breaches in the last 12 months, with 36 percent of breaches stemming from inadvertent misuse of data by employees.
Read more on CSO Online. Their findings appear to be significantly different from Verizon’s DBIR, but I’m glad to see more emphasis on – and awareness of – the insider breaches, which I see as an underestimated problem in the healthcare sector.