The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) was recently mentioned on this site as one of the clients of a medical billing firm that had to notify clients that patient information had been stolen by a rogue employee.
Less than one week later, UPMC had another situation to deal with, but it’s not one that made news or headlines. Seen in the Police Report column of the May 20 Observer-Reporter:
“Laptop stolen: Joy Anders told state police Friday morning a laptop computer containing patient records was stolen from the front seat of her vehicle while it was parked at Dollar General in Roscoe. Police said the laptop belonged to her employer, UPMC.”
Today’s Herald-Standard reports that that the laptop, which may contain patient information, has not been recovered, but patient data was not compromised because the laptop was encrypted.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a subscription to that paper to read the full article, but it would be nice to know more about what happened here and whether this is being reported to HHS.