content/images/gallery/random2/hemmelig-com.png @Team_Appunity has claimed to taken down a online prostitution website and the data has found its way to many torrent trackers already. The website which was offline at time of publishing was said to be an online prostitution website. The team which has only few tweets on twitter posted a tweet that when translated states "28,642 users (28,209 with tel no.), all with email.376,602 private messages. 3588 images. What To Do?" content/images/gallery/random2/hemmelig-com.png The hack which was first reported by and further translated by reads:
We downloaded almost all files, including images, and almost the entire database with messages and user information. It was not well secured, it took us a maximum five minutes of “work,” writes one person with access to the base, to Dagbladet in an email. The sex-hits your site is most of the approximately 26 000 users registered with a cell phone number. Many of the numbers can easily be connected to their real identities, along with thousands of intimate messages users have sent to each other. Calls all the way back to 2005 – often on prostitution, unusual sexual preferences or prolonged infidelity – is part of the material. A large percentage of users appear to be clients whore, but many have only been looking for noncommittal sex without payment. Dagbladet has previously written that content from can be traced to, among other politicians, officers in the military, people in the security industry, Captain, doctors, lawyers, celebrities and business leaders.
The team has also tweeted that the site is still accessible via content/images/gallery/random2/hemmelig-com.png which when translated reads: Nice, took them a couple days to get the backup, but now you can use the site again! Jippi! Torrent download Media fire