content/images/gallery/random2/kosova-hackers-security.png Kosova Hackers Security has posted a huge list of sites that they have recently defaced, one of these sites which is listed very first is the Ukraine Police website and is still currently defaced at time of publish. So once again another government and police agency is going to be dealing with cyber security issues across the holiday season. All together the list of sites totals over 600 and from the 50 or so we check all was still defaced/hacked. Sample of the full list content/images/gallery/random2/kosova-hackers-security.png Just a couple of days they also attacked the President of the Republic of Macedonia website softpedia reports There is also a further 200 or so defacements on arabzone
Ukraine Police and 600+ Websites Hacked and Defaced by Kosova Hackers Security
Category: Breach Incidents