Yesterday we got tipped off to a huge chinese data leak that covered many different government and private sectors. One targeted sites in these attacks was International Club of Dalian ( which is a Community club which provides events and other entertainment in the Dalian area. The leaked data contains all sorts of different stuff including a heap of personal information, address, names, emails, ips, encrypted passwords and all the administration logins as well, sadly a lot of the encrypted passwords also have the salt for the encryption key and are most from well known content management systems. The leak came in 3 parts and was mainly raw SQL database outputs so we processed them for statistics by tables. – found 599 accounts with emails. – found 780 accounts with emails. – found 626 accounts with emails. – found 211 accounts with emails. – found 838 accounts with emails. – found 1264 accounts with emails. – found 1037 accounts with emails. – found 346 accounts with emails. Total of all accounts with emails is 5701.
International Club of Dalian, China Hacked, Data Leaked By @DeadMellox
Category: Breach Incidents