@TeamGhostShell Has just announced a new attack that has resulted in a data leak that has thousands of accounts attached to it. The attack has been carried out on The Social Action Secretariat (SAS) of the Presidency of the Republic (https://www.sas.gov.py). The leaked dat awas announced via twitter and uploaded to privatepaste.
☠ GhostShell ☠
@TeamGhostShell#TeamGhostShell‘s newest leak: https://sas.gov.py –https://privatepaste.com/62484c574b || https://pastesite.com/37949#ProjectGhostShell
The leak contains basic server information, huge list of user and administration accounts and database information and the below message.
TeamGhostShell’s crusade around the world, hacking everything in it’s way, continues, this time taking us all the way to… The Social Action Secretariat (SAS) of the Presidency of the Republic.
Format of the leaked accounts is usernames, emails and encrypted passwords and other account information. https://ozdc.net/archives.php?aid=2235 user accounts found, 3,344 https://ozdc.net/archives.php?aid=2233 admin accounts found, 4 https://privatepaste.com/62484c574b We are currently still processing this data, results will be posted shortly.