A k9 Network Cyber Army Member has contacted us a few days ago with a few sites that were hacked and left defaced. The member Mahesh contacted us via email with a list of 19websites that have been attacked and defaced. Now while we normally do not cover small mass defacement’s, this one has a twist. We got the message just after the hacking and defacing happened which was 5 days ago, and it appears that some of the websites are still defaced. Now not all of them were index based defacement’s, although some which did are some of them which are still defaced and one appears to be offline now. In the defacing, there is a graphic images. List of defaced sites.
- https://www.infosoftsolutions.in/admin/premimum/ (still defaced)
- https://khoon.in/(still defaced)
- www.iimmpune.in
- https://swarnandhra.edu.in/(still defaced)
- https://careconsultancy.in/
- https://catcomputerpoint.com/
- https://disigntechlabs.com/
- https://flexnaidu.co.cc/ (offline )
- https://happyvizag.com/(still defaced)
- https://harikahomes.com/
- https://innofoods.in/(still defaced)
- https://inventiveads.in/
- https://rainbowschools.in/
- https://ricontechnologies.com/
- https://shinedentalhospital.com/(still defaced)
- https://swarnandhra.ac.in/
- https://swarnandhra.edu.in/
- https://swarnandhrainternationalschool.com/
- https://xpertsearch.in/
So this shows that webmasters/website owners and administration are totally unaware of what has happened and a lot of the time this is the case and sites end up being left defaced or hacked or open to hacks for stupid periods of time.