another big name computer hardware manufacture has been struck by hackers, this time its ASUS but more so the online webstore that asus uses to sell its products such as laptops, pcs, netbooks and accessories. The attack comes from #NullCrew and was announced via twitter and posted to pastebin.
@Zer0Pwn ASUS Hacked:
The leaked data came with a very short message
Greetings everyone. Today we decided to leak some very interesting information. Information from the Web-Admin from good old ASUS. These accounts are from the ASUS eStore, and I’ve tried, and you can login to them. I also found it a challenge because I saw the GoDaddy "Security" icon. That said they were verified for proper security. Couldn’t stop after I saw that ;). Enjoy.
As well as the message a dump of administration login credentails which are in the format of username:password with the password being encrypted.