2013 is going to be different. Rather then sitting back and letting a heap of people be fooled its time to share more information and leads. Now while this might just be nothing it does appear to be something. enjoy, do your research and figure stuff out :). – @VandaTheGod Connection to @lulzpirate @CosmoTheGod – Everyone knows the fate of Cosmo as he is banned from the internet for his part in UgNazi. @LulzPirate – on the other hand is a well known troll that for some reason or another people have come to accept his bullshit fake claims and stolen leaks, hacks and everything else. see google for info on fake releases. @VandaTheGod – came to the scene via twitter around the 4th of jan 2013 and has since claimed over 500 defacements in the name of UgNazi.
The connection between @VandaTheGod & @lulzpirate
First sign i seen was when they defaced Pakistan Science Foundation blog and leaked data. the claim came from Vandathegod how ever in the defacement url was "lulzpirate" as well as cosmothegod. https://psf.gov.pk/blog/vandathegod-lulzpirate-cosmothegod/ – 404/removed – cached thanks to googlehttps://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:u0FtLk-ACJQJ:psf.gov.pk/blog/vandathegod-lulzpirate-cosmothegod/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnkNoted it in an article on cyberwarnews.info: https://www.cyberwarnews.info/2013/01/06/51-sites-defaced-psf-gov-pk-hacked-data-leaked/### The connection between @VandaTheGod & @lulzpirate
Now some suspect tweets https://twitter.com/VandaTheGod/status/287389954974306305 https://twitter.com/VandaTheGod/status/287375738175385600 vanda claims cityofmarionil.gov https://twitter.com/LulzPirate/status/287384955456212992 claims cityofmarionil.gov and www.matrincha.go.gov.br only 1 hr after Vanda ### All archives on zone-h by vanda
https://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=VandaTheGod### Shows other sites hosted, proves weak targets
https://www.zone-h.org/archive/ip= https://www.zone-h.org/archive/domain=www.matrincha.go.gov.br### Other facts
*Vanda claims to be Cosmo’s girl friend States no one has access to cosmos account despite it being updated in December and avatar changed this week. Claims to be original Ugnazi but was never public Claims friendship to Lulzpirate when asked by @Cyber_War_News * Vanda complete tweet log from 4th to 13th jan