A hacker using the handle ulow has been very active in Australian servers over the past few days and in the past leaving a heap of sites defaced. The recent attack appears to be a mass defacing where all sites are hosted on a single server and use a common system, WordPress 3.4.2 which is an older version and well known to be exploitable. The sites that ulow has been targeting appear to range from small business to company’s and government based sites. Ulow has been adding them to the defacement archive site Zone-h and all the Australian based sites hacked by Ulow here. At time of publishing Zone-h has records of over 80,000 Australian based domains (.au) (Total notifications: 87,042 of which 16,512 single ip and 70,530 mass defacements) that have been breached and archived. See list here
Australian based wordpress sites hacked and defaced
Category: Breach Incidents