Amer Owaida reports:
Around 3.5 million security cameras installed in homes and offices mainly in Asia and Europe have serious vulnerabilities that expose the gadgets’ owners to the risk that attackers will spy on them, steal their data or target other devices on the same networks, the United Kingdom’s consumer watchdog Which? has warned.
“Brands with potentially vulnerable cameras include Alptop, Besdersec, COOAU, CPVAN, Ctronics, Dericam, Jennov, LEFTEK, Luowice, QZT, and Tenvis,” says Which?, adding that any wireless camera using the CamHi app and sporting a certain type of Unique Identification Number (UID) could be susceptible to a hack. Some 700,000 of the cameras are in use in Europe, including 100,000 in the UK.
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