Zack Whittaker provides a follow-up on the scandal involving the government of Jamaica, a contractor called Amber Group, and the multiple security issues with JamCOVID. Readers may recall that at the time of Zack’s original reporting, the government and contractor downplayed the incident and a minister made thinly veiled threats directed at Zack and TechCrunch suggesting that Zack might be prosecuted for accessing data.
[Gosh, where have we seen “Shoot the Messenger” and “Attempt to Chill Speech” of researchers and journalists before? Sounds all too familiar this week, right? Maybe Zack should add a section to his weekly news round-up where he recaps the most egregious incident responses of the week.]
Read Zack’s follow-up to find out what he has learned about the JamCOVID scandal since his earlier reporting.