GAO-09-268 January 28, 2009
Under the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are required to accelerate the exchange of health information between the departments and to develop systems or capabilities that allow for interoperability (generally, the ability of systems to exchange data) and that are compliant with federal standards. The Act also established a joint interagency program office to function as a single point of accountability for the effort, which is to implement such systems or capabilities by September 30, 2009. Further, the Act required that GAO semi-annually report on the progress made in achieving these goals. For this second report, GAO evaluates the departments’ progress and plans toward sharing electronic health information that comply with federal standards, and whether the interagency program office is positioned to function as a single point of accountability. To do so, GAO reviewed its past work, analyzed agency documentation, and conducted interviews.
DOD and VA continue to increase health information sharing through ongoing initiatives and related activities. Specifically, the departments’ are now exchanging pharmacy and drug allergy data on over 21,000 shared patients, an increase of about 2,700 patients between June and October 2008. Further, they recently expanded the number of standards and specifications with which they expect their interoperability initiatives will comply. In addition, DOD reported that it received certification of its electronic health record system. Also, the departments have defined their plans to further increase their sharing of electronic health information. In particular, they have identified the Joint Executive Council Strategic Plan and the DOD/VA Information Interoperability Plan as the key documents defining their planned efforts to provide interoperable health records. These plans identify various objectives and activities that, according to the departments, are aimed at increasing health information sharing and achieving full interoperability, as required by the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008. However, neither plan identifies results-oriented (i.e., objective, quantifiable, and measurable) performance goals and measures that are characteristic of effective planning and can be used as a basis to track and assess progress toward the delivery of new interoperable capabilities. In the absence of results-oriented goals and performance measures, the departments are not positioned to adequately assess progress toward increasing interoperability. Instead, DOD and VA are limited to assessing progress in terms of activities completed and increases in data exchanged (e.g., the number of patients for which certain types of data are exchanged). The departments have continued to take steps to set up the interagency program office. For example, they have developed descriptions for key positions and agreed with GAO’s July 2008 recommendation that they give priority to establishing permanent leadership and hiring staff. Also, the departments developed the program office organization structure document that depicts the office’s organization and, in January 2009, the departments approved a program office charter to describe, among other things, the mission and function of the office. Nonetheless, DOD and VA have not yet fully executed their plan to set up the program office. For example, among other activities, they have not yet filled key positions for the Director and Deputy Director, or 22 of 30 other positions identified for the office. In the continued absence of a fully established program office, the departments will remain ineffectively positioned to assure that interoperable electronic health records and capabilities are achieved by the required date.
Full report (pdf)