The frustrating saga of Eric Drew, a cancer patient who had his identity stolen by a hospital worker, continues. Annie Youderian of Courthouse News reports:
A cancer survivor whose identity was stolen by a hospital worker can sue Chase Bank and a credit service company for reporting false information to credit-rating agencies, the 9th Circuit ruled Tuesday.
“This case lends credence to the old adage that bad things come in threes,” Judge Margaret McKeown wrote for the three-judge panel in San Francisco.
“Eric Drew is a cancer survivor, who required experimental leukemia treatment,” the ruling states. “During his treatment, Drew’s identity was stolen by a hospital worker. Finally, when Drew attempted to remedy the identity theft, the banks and credit rating agencies were allegedly uncooperative, and continued to report the fraudulently opened accounts, and in the case of one bank, the thief address was tagged as Drew’s.”
Drew’s ordeal prompted him to sue Chase Bank and FIA Card Services, among others, in 2006 for reporting false items to the credit-rating agencies.
Read more on Courthouse News.