AT&T has yet again become victim to insecure content and hackers who have found it. The attack which is on the VOIP based website for AT&T has resulted in 6 administration account credentials being leaked online. The leak was announced via @Zer0Pwn twitter account and the leaked data was uploaded the their pastebin account….
Author: Lee J
Comcast Hacked Again, Data leaked by @Zer0Pwn for #WikiBoatWednesday
@Zer0Pwnhave been busy the past few days, with joined support from many others more and more attacks are starting to happen. he latest attack that has been claimed by them for WikiBoatWednesday is well known isp comcast. The leaked data contains personal information that has come from a facebook based quiz page/database. @TheWikiBoat: Comcast @AnonOpUK@ntisec @TheHackersNews@Cyber_War_News The leak…
Panda security Hacked, Data leaked By LulzSecMx
@LulzSecMx have just announced that they have hacked one of the biggest and most well known anti virus and anti mal ware software providers, panda security, The attack has been announced all over social media and has been aimed at pandas main servers with the hackers now claiming that panda was being paid to do…
BlackMarket Credit Card Selling website Hacked & Exposed By @Hex000101
An alleged black market credit card selling website has been hacked and exposed by @hex000101 who has recently been on spree of leaking similar information. The attack was first announced a few days ago on the 25th when hex posted a pastebin link with the claimed websites owners information as well as some emails and proof of…
700 Sites Hacked, Defaced By 3CA – 3xp1r3 Cyber Army
3xp1r3 Cyber Army (3CA) hackers have been at it again leaving over 700 sites defaced after another hacking spree. The sites list was posted to pastebin not long ago and contains no real message or reason behind the attack but as we have seen in the past 3CA is well known to take its anger…
More Uganda based sites and KKK Attacked by @TheWikiBoat
Over the past few days Ugandan based websites have become a target due to a operation that has been kicked off by #GreySec. The operation is #OpFuckUganda and so far has left many sites hacked and defaced and offline from ddos. Today they have announced another string of sites that have been attacked and defaced, ddosed and…