Yesterday was a interesting one, after many big, high profile hacks, hacker .c0mrade has come out stating they are now white hat and as a result they have started out with attempting to show the world that a few major airline systems are exploitable. The post which was uploaded to pastebin with a few images and a…
Author: Lee J
(USCIS) US imagination Services Hacked, Database Leaked by @SwaggSec
@SwaggSec has been around for some time now and they have recently become more active again with hacks and leaks being announced weekly. The latest one appears to be on the US imagination Services website The attack seems to have a few parts to it and is also a bit confusing with another hacker coming out claming…
150,000 Accounts Leaked From CustomCoD By @GoogleSWE
@GoogleSWE Has posted a dumped to that contains an extremely large amount of users for a very well known and popular gaming forum based on the popular COD(call fo duty) game series. The website, was hacked some time recently and a small preview of data was leaked onto pastebin with a link to the…
Motorcycle Industry Jobs Hacked, 6,948 Accounts Leaked by Black Tiger Security
A hacker group who is using the handle Black Tiger Security has made a submission to that has turned out to be an attack on a well known motorcycle industry job search website that is mainly focused within the united states ( The leaked data has been uploaded to pastebin and as a result now 6,948…
MTV Asia Twitter Account Hacked
We have just been alerted to a hack that happened on Tuesday that was aimed at MTV Asia on twitter. The account appears to of been breached by a team of hackers using the handle Team Intricate. The attack has left some of the following messages and there has also been a screen shot sent to us of them logged in as…
National Bank Of Cambodia Hacked, Cleartext Passwords Used!
In what is a fairly big surprise to us, a national bank from Cambodia has been exposed as being vulnerably and not only that they have had a small data leaked which has now exposed the fact they were storing administration passwords in clear text. The leak comes from YeiZeta and was posted onto and contains minor database information as…