Anonymous hacktivist @AnonTeenUSA has announced a data leak from robot Coupe USA ( The announcement came about 12hrs ago and was made via twitter. Anonymous @AnonTeenUSA@ROBOTCOUPEUSA DATABASE#DUMP #Anonymous#Lulz Robot Coupe USA is a self claimed leading producer and developer of commercial food processors and vegetable preparation units. The leaked data has been uploaded to pastebin and contains a bit of…
Author: Lee J
New democrats kenya hacked by @rwandanhackers
@rwandanhackers have dumped a small leak from the New democrats of kenya website ( The leak contains basic database information as well as 3 administration accounts that have usernames, emails and passwords which are encrypted.
All Freelance Work Hacked, 1,306 User Accounts Leaked
A freelance community website, has been hacked by AK-88 who is a member of the 3xp1r3 cyber army. The hack has resulted in 1,306 user accounts being dumped onto pastebin. The leaked accounts are in the format of username, email and encrypted password. The website that was attacked appears to be riddled with errors and…
INTEL hacked by Anonymous for Operation Green Rights, #OPCOLTAN
Operation Green Rights has been moving along for some time now which many targets in the past, but a new one of that is Intel and as a result of becoming an target to anonymous hacktivist they have been hacked, breached and now a heap of data has been leaked onto the Internet. The leaked…
110,000 Personal details obtained, Clarksville Servers hacked by .c0mrade
HAcker .c0mrade has announced that they have hacked a server that holds information for the population of Clarksville, Tennessee and as a result they have obtained 110,000 peoples personal details and information. The hack has not got any data leaking public for fear that innocent people will get hurt/hacked. .c0mrade has posted the below pictures…
LinkedIn Release important message for all users
This week has been huge for security researches and LinkedIn. 6.5 million password hashs got leaked and within hours they had pretty much been cracked by a hard working group of hackers/researchs. Since then there has been many articles and reports about this attack and now linkedIn has finally made a new blog post to answer some…