@Reckz0r has dumped a 1.4mb file on zippyshare.com that contains just over 44,000 emails and encrypted passwords. The leak which was first announced via twitter was submitted to ozdc.net where we have processed the emails in 6 parts. Out of the 44k only about 900 emails was already stored, meaning this is one of the biggest…
Author: Lee J
Sony in the sight yet again, emails and hosts dumped by @Reckz0r
Well sony has not got a good recorded of having secure websites/servers or even securing the information they store with a breach happening almost every month. @Reckz0r who has recently been dumping a fair bit of information has breached a sony support server and as a result a whole heap of emails have been exposed now. Also they have…
South Australian Department of education hacked & data leaked by @s3rverexe
@s3rverexe has been at it again, hacking another Australian government website. This time its the south Australian department of educations online learning suite website. the hack has result in leaked accounts and personal information from users of the suite. Now while the attack doesn’t really expose critical data, it does show that our Australian schooling systems are lacking security and something really needs to be done…
hackcommunity.com website destroyed by @s3rverexe
In what was a personal attack @s3rverexe has taken down a hacking forum know as hackcommunity,com. The attack which happened at the start of may really comes down to the skills of the forums host, hostgator and s3rverexe getting angry at stuff that was being said about his attacks on the forum. @s3rverexe claims to of…
Washington Military Department Hacked & Data Leaked by @le4ky
Another American government website has come under attack from hackers, this time its the Washington Military Departments website (https://mil.wa.gov/). The attack which comes from @le4ky who first tweeted, Its about time to release some new #Governmental Leaks. Get ready for some more #Lulz" followed by the announcement of the leak a few hours later > "#Washington State Military hacked –…
TeaMp0isoN’s MLT Arrested & Claims responsibility to 1400+ offences
LONDON — Police have arrested a 17-year-old suspected spokesman for Team Poison, a hacking group that has claimed responsibility for a series of high-profile cyber-attacks. The boy was arrested on Wednesday in Newcastle in connection with alleged computer misuse offences, London’s Metropolitan Police said. "The suspect, who is believed to use the online ‘nic’ (nickname)…