@ChemicaL_raids aka ChemicaL have been attacking some high profile targets in a spree of attacks over April and still going. The crew which is made up of @_ProtocoL @_iDreaming @s3lf_d3struct @Distr0 @Synd1cat3 @_Randar has dumped information and left servers wiped and defaced in this spree. First of we have a couple of Kellogg’s servers that have been breached, one from newzealand and one from australia,…
Author: Lee J
Hangzhou Dianzi University Hacked, 150,000 Accounts Leaked by @_Echel0n & @DeadMellox
@_Echel0n & @DeadMellox of #TeamGhostShell have hacked one of china biggest online university and dumped over 150k accounts across 11 files. The hack which was first announced via twitter and picked up by scmagazine.com.au set sights on the servers of Hangzhou Dianzi University and as a result they have leaked a huge amount of data via privatepaste and mirrored github which both contain…
The European Forex Traders hacked and 1800 accounts leaked by TeamGhostShell
TeamGhostShell has been very busy lately hacking a couple of big name websites. one of the targets has been The European Forex Traders website www.fxtraders.eu. The release which was posted on pastebin comes with a message and reason for the attack as well as 1500+ accounts comes from @DeadMellox. Hello again, did you miss us world governments?…
Thousands of Twitter Accounts Leaked
This morning i was going over some stuff and come across 20K+ twitter accounts, most of which have emails:password combination. The leaks which have been posted on pastebin.com by an unknown person come in 5 parts, but only 3 of that five can be found. Leaks like these have absolutely no purpose but to disrupt peoples life’s by violating there personal…
Anonymous take down CIA website again and Stop CISPA video released
The past few weeks have been fairly fullon for the us and uk governments with anonymous taking sites down left right and center in the name of CISPA. The latest take down is the CIA website https://www.cia.gov which at time of publishing was down and throwing errors and had been for something already. content/images/gallery/random3/ciadown.png Also…
further Israeli Credit Cards Leaked for #OpfreePalestine by @Par0xysm
content/images/gallery/opfreepalestine/cards1.png A hacker using the handle @Par0xysm has dumped a fairly big load of credit cards and left a message for Israeli. The leak which was announced about 12hrs ago via twitter and posted on pastebin contained the following message. Message to Israel, I have noticed the corruption and lies you send to your people….