content/images/gallery/pca/hacked-by-hax-r00t-pakistani-hacker.png Saadi n Hax.r00t who was apart of PCA, pak cyber army have contuined to wreak websites leaving them derfaced in the on going cyber war they are waging and fighting. so far this year we have seen hundreds of sites hacked by these guys and no doubt we are going to see much more….
Author: Lee J
Anonymous leak 2x teaser military file in the name of #antisec
content/images/gallery/antisec12/capture.png It would seem that anonymous is soon to release another dump of information from the American military that will no doubt stir up some troubles. So far they have released 2 documents and the others are not far away. The leaks have been announced from the @anonymousIRC twitter account and come in the form of pdf files. content/images/gallery/antisec12/capture.png content/images/gallery/antisec12/capture.png…
Hacker Fail Root Arrested and Computers Seized
A hacker who use’s the handle @FailRooT has said to of been arrested and had computers seized as part of a investigation into the hacking by the team they ran called @MetalSoftTeam. Metal Soft Team has been around for some time now and have made a name for themselves as defacers, hacking sites and leaving them with…
Federal Reserve Vulnerable to hackers
A hacker going by the handle D35m0nd142 has posted information about the website that shows its vuln to attackers. Now its a worry that such websites are hackable with such minor hacks and shows that the governments are clearly not thinking about security the way they should be.
NASDAQ website taken offline by hackers
Hackers using the handle L0NGwave99 have claimed to taken down the website whcih is now showing a time out error. For the second day, the Destributed Denial of Service operation on the continued execution. If you go to NASDAQ site you will not see anything execpt timeout or nothing. This DDoS Operation over…
Anonymous gets hacked, hacked and defaced?
content/images/gallery/random3/freezepage-anonyops-hacked.png Well it would appear that a hacker using the handle Exotz has done one one an anonymous news related websites/blog that has strong affilation with the anonymous movement. The defacing which happened not to long ago features what appears to be a new post with the following message. and image. Such an unfortunate accident,…