content/images/gallery/random3/owned.png Yet again another automotive website has come under attack from hackers who have left it defaced. The attack comes from Latinhackteam and has targeted the Peru based toyota site.
Author: Lee J
Anonymous Sends a warning to the Israeli Government
Anonymous has released a video that is directed towards Israeli government and the claimed actions they take, This is adding huge fuel to the already on going middle easy cyber war that we have been watching erupt over the past few weeks. To the government of the state of Israel. We are Anonymous. For two…
United Nations, Hacked and data dumped Again
Once again the united nations have become the target of hackers and have ended up on the bad end and had more data and vulnerable links leaked. United Nations Hacked by Casi What is this ? The United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development,…
Trading corporation of bangladesh hacked and defaced by Saadi and Hax.r00t
content/images/gallery/random3/hacked-by-hax-r00t-and-saadi.png Saadi and Hax.r00t have been defacing many sites recently and sadly we have missed many of them. Earlier we published four other sites that have been hit by them and now comes a big government site for Bangladesh. Trading corporation of Bangladesh was hacked and defaced with the same defacing we had seen earlier. We have…
Nigeria National Assembly Hacked by Anonymous #OpNigeria
content/images/gallery/opnigeria/twitter-occupyallst-nigerian-national-assembly.png The twitter account @OccupyAllSt has announced the hack on twitter which has been dumped on pastebin. The hack has resulted in some minor data being leaked from the server. The attack which has been labelled part of OpNigeria shows that this operation is far from finished. The server which was attacked is which is the site for…
100+ Websites hacked and defaced by Bangladesh Cyber Army
content/images/gallery/random3/this-site-hacked-by-3.png A hacker using the handle 34GL3_3Y3 and flys under the Bangladesh Cyber Army flag as well as dumped yet another huge list of hacked and defaced websites. The dump contains over 100 defaced sites and we have added it to the ozdc deface archives.