In Sepo aka @anon_4freedom’s mission to expose Ghana websites another bank has been hacked and had information leaked. The bank is Ghana UT bank which specializing in Loans, Investments Corporate Banking, International Banking, Commercial Banking. In the leak is a message to the people of Ghana to start asking the governments questions about the lack of…
Author: Lee J
Ghana Prudential Bank Ltd, hacked by SEPO
Sepo aka @anon_4freedom has been on a mission lately to expose all of Ghana’s weak links, so far we have seen at least 5 major sites effected over the past week, including another bank, stockmartet website and even a tv station. So As sep has reported on there blog they have hacked Prudential Bank Ltd and leaked…
Regional Maritime University Ghana hacked by SEPO
SEPO aka @anon_4freedom has been on a run of leaks and has also attacked, hacked, leaked data from Ghana’s Regional Maritime University. The leaked data is similar to the others with database and server information and a few accounts which have encrypted passwords.
TV3 Ghana hacked and data leaked by SEPO
Once again SEPO aka @anon_4freedom has attacked another Ghana based website, this time its a free to air TV station called TV3 (, This comes after an already rough week for Ghana with other sites being attacked as well. The leaked data contains database and server information and few accounts.
SG-SSB Ltd hacked and data leaked Hacked by SEPO
SEPO aka anon_4freedom has struck again after making headlines last week. with a few stockmarket websites and now its hitting Ghana again hacking the countrys main bank and leaking data from the hack. The bank SG-SSB is a bank that is based in Ghana. The name "SG-SSB" stands for "Société Générale – Social Security Bank"; the bank is…
3,000 “Saudi’s” Details leaked by 0xOmar
Now, not 100% sure if this is the same 0xOmar as before but a pastebin paste Well i better fix that, sorry for the misinformation (no excuses i should get it right the first time) Last night i published this with the above crossed out line which was wrong, this attack has been carried out by An…