content/images/gallery/random2/anonymous-lulzxmas-rooting-your-proud-pastebin-com_.png Well as the title suggests, another load of credit card information has made its way into the public with the help of anonymous hackers. this lot has been announced from the same account as before content/images/gallery/random2/anonymous-lulzxmas-rooting-your-proud-pastebin-com_.png For part one And the original hack And the most recent dump of accounts can be found linked from the pastebin dump. or…
Author: Lee J
Anonymous Hackers Donate To Various Places with STRATFORS Hacked Information
Well if you have not seen it already, you must of been hiding away some where as the overall news has been bigger then xmas. Yesterday American Intelligence company STRATFOR was hacked, defaced and shamed. From this there was said to be over 200gb of data that included emails, accounts and other information. AnonymousIRC twitter account announced the 2nd part…
Ukraine Police and 600+ Websites Hacked and Defaced by Kosova Hackers Security
content/images/gallery/random2/kosova-hackers-security.png Kosova Hackers Security has posted a huge list of sites that they have recently defaced, one of these sites which is listed very first is the Ukraine Police website and is still currently defaced at time of publish. So once again another government and police agency is going to be dealing with cyber security issues across the…
Six government website login details dumped by N3O
A hacker going by the name of N3O has dumped a small load of accounts on that belong to yet again governments of the world. The governments in question this time are Nepal and Netherlands. The leak contains admin logins which all passwords are encrypted.
960+ Email logins dumped by Indian Cyber Pirates
Indian Cyber Pirates have dumped 960 emails logins on the leak contains many different logins and its unsure if they are all tied to any 1 site or gathered from some phishing or bot. All logins have emails and clear text passwords. If you are concerned that your email and password may be in this lot, use CTRL+F…
500 more Sites defaced by SA3D HaCk3D
SA3D HaCk3D, one of the more well known defacers from zone-h with a total just shy of 30k defaciement’s has been very busy in the last 24hrs.On the defacement mirror site SA3D HaCk3D has added over 500 new defacement’s Just from today, Nice Xmas present for a lot of administrations if you ask me. content/images/gallery/random2/ssh-secure-root-sa3d_0.png All…