content/images/gallery/random2/godaddy-boycott1.png Well we all knew this was coming sooner or later just that many of us did not expect it to happen on day 1 of the godaddy boycott. Not so long ago they released an initial statement saying they have been working with the government and fully support SOPA. From this its like a bomb exploded and crap when…
Author: Lee J
Apple Stores WIFI pwnt by 14yo, video
[Catch him on his site and see how he does it]( or follow him on twitter [@Direthoughts](!/@Direthoughts)
Melbournet IT fails to uphold security of its customers
Well once again a company that holds our personal information after they have billed us for a service have stuffed up in what appears to be a case of human error. Melbourne IT, Australia’s first domain register started sending out updates to its clients on Thursday only to be sending the wrong details to the wrong customers. Is…
DARPA to start checking your email for threats
well this is no surprise but is reporting that DARPA has released a statement to them stating that they are in the progress of building a new email threat system that will monitor their internal email network. Other then stating the above they wouldn’t release any further details on the project or how far it will go…
OpHiroshima Original Press Release
Original posted "#Op Hiroshima Hello and seasons greetings! Calling all d0xers, hax0rs, phreaks and social engineers: Do you value the free exchange of information? Would you fight for the internet? Do we share common opressors? With each and every passing moment decisions are being made and steps taken to destroy the information super highway that…
SOPA is proving to show who u can trust
We have done much reporting on SOPA, infact we have not done any but now, its come to light that some very major companys are in support of SOPA and this is having a huge effect across the world. One of the biggest companys is GoDaddy, yeah everyone knows who they are and everyone that…