content/images/gallery/random2/hemmelig-com.png @Team_Appunity has claimed to taken down a online prostitution website and the data has found its way to many torrent trackers already. The website which was offline at time of publishing was said to be an online prostitution website. The team which has only few tweets on twitter posted a tweet that when translated states "28,642 users (28,209 with tel no.), all with…
Author: Lee J & LE Hacked by #Phsy
content/images/gallery/random2/vermont-gov-hacked-phsy-sopa-pastebin-com_.png @stramble has dumped 2mirrors from a hack on and two other servers in retaliation to SOPA. The hack which contains mailing lists, server logins, shell informations and server information proves that they people that are attempting to enforce SOPA can not even enforce a proper level of security on their own websites/servers. content/images/gallery/random2/vermont-gov-hacked-phsy-sopa-pastebin-com_.png, Law Enforcement, Mailing lists All!…
Vodafone gets warning over breach
The communications watchdog has put Vodafone on notice over the telco’s leaking of personal customer details earlier this year. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has ordered Vodafone to comply with the telecommunications consumer protections code (TCP code), or face penalties of up to $250,000. An ACMA investigation found Vodafone had poor systems in…
Anonymous Sweden Expose Wanted Animal Abuser
The following content contains disturbing material and is not support or condoned by us at all, if you have a weak gut please move on to the next post now. From anonymous Sweden, translated to english, see orginal here Anonymous Confirm: Carina Sjödahl. Carina lives there with his brother Claes Zimmander. Carina is sought after…
Two firms join NATO to help with cyber security
NATO , known by millions, hated by activist of the modern day and insight of hackers from all corners of the globe, NATO has announce the partnership with two firms for cyber security purpose’s. The two firms will look after over 50 sites across 28 locations for the NATO and overall keep and eye on their cyber security….
China Hackers Said To Hit U.S. Chamber
In a recent article by the wall street journal they have stated that a group of Chinese hackers have broken into the U.S.Chamber and obtained data on up to 50 high ranking officials. To date their is no hard evidence that has been shown to the public that china is in fact behind this and many PC smart people will understand…