D35M0ND142 has been busy and has pretty much left the admin team of the MySQL.com website pretty embarrassed for not securing its own database’s properly. The attack sorta proves that all areas of IT administration need to re-think security, re-do and re-check everything to make sure that all aspects are all actually up to date and properly secure….
Author: Lee J
Dump of accounts from Hip Hop Instrumentals
Hip Hop Instrumentals has been hacked and had dump of accounts leaked online by D35M0ND142 . The attack is on the domain https://www.hiphopinstrumental.net/ and contains db information emails and encrypted passwords. https://pastebin.com/MR1Ty3Gr
Yamaha Factory Racing website hacked and user accounts dumped
Yamaha has been hit by hackers on one of their insecure websites. The attack which is on the Yamaha Factory Racing website has been carried out by @_V4ND and contains emails, usernames and passwords. Stupidly enough it would seem that Yamaha was storing all their customers passwords in plain text. Maybe they should get on to their IT team and…
Dump of accounts from orangemusicstore.com.do
A Dominican based music website has been hacked and had its database hacked and user account information leaked on to pastebin. The attack comes from ZeroHack2 and is on the orangemusicstore.com.do and contains basic DB information, user account information such as usernames, emails and encrypted passwords. https://pastebin.com/mSCX4D6f
Few days of email dumps
Just a catch up post from the last few days for stuff we have missed due to not being online. Anyway first is a fairly large amount of emails, clear text passwords and usernames from and unknown source: https://pastebin.com/sa9LSz9N the second a large amount of phished accounts from various places. https://pastebin.com/nFjstsDV https://pastebin.com/FTFUZpAP Remember to check with…
Message to United Nations from TeaMp0isoN
In the past few days the United nations have been made to look like fools after their servers were breached and a dump of emails was leaked online by TeaMp0isoN. Since then we have seen media reports from UN saying the breach was on an old server and that it has since been taken offline,…