A new scam using VoIP Skype service is conning Australians out of millions, NSW Minister for Fair Trading has warned. The elaborate scam, which involves offshore telemarketers posing as reps from a fake organisation called Australian Electricity Commission, who are pushing energy saving devices and threatening to cut off householder power within 3 days, if…
Author: Lee J
Yet another pointless account dump, hundreds dumped from www.jjs2.com
@DeleteSec is living up to a very childish name – skiddies, using tools to hack small websites and dump hundreds of innocent peoples data online, the latest comes from another clothing online shop jjs2.com and contains lots of accounts. The leak contains emails, passwords and other private information. Be sure to use CTRL+F to quick search to…
Press Statement from Barret Brown on #OpCartel
Recently A few Anons got angry over another anon being kidnapped and started up Operation cartel, threatening to expose cartel members and ties with the law enforcement. In the recent weeks there has been mixed emotions about this with some backing it and other refusing to back it. The whole idea is dangerous as the cartels are known…
First joint EU-US cyber security exercise conducted today, 3rd Nov. 2011
The first joint cyber security exercise between the EU and US is being held today (3rd Nov.) in Brussels, with the support of the EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA and the US Department of Homeland Security. The day-long table-top exercise, "Cyber Atlantic 2011", is using simulated cyber-crisis scenarios to explore how the EU and US…
bayareaconnection.net defaced
Well with all the recent stuff going down in the Bay area of **San Francisco this seemed half worthy of posting..**bayareaconnection.net which was still defaced at time of publish provides transportation around the bay area has been hacked and In the defacement is the below message, the hack comes from a Turkish hacker going by the name of UmuT Headquarters: wWw.SanaLKorsanlar.Net Search…
ozgame.com.au hacked and defaced by The GreaT TeAm
A hacker group called The Great Team has been on a recent defacing run leaving many sites in a messed up state. One of the sites is an Australian Gaming website ozgame.com.au. Some of the other recent sites they have defaced are all on Zone H https://www.zone-h.org/archive/notifier=The%20GreaT%20TeAm