Been a weekend of dumping information for alot of hackers and the latest comes from Swifz, via a pastebin account of TREPATUDO. The leak is 2500+ accounts that are clear text passwords. CTRL+F to make sure yours and your friends is not there
Author: Lee J
#Occupywallstreet, The Power of social media, look what it can do
Its nearing the end of 2011 and the world is finally starting to see the power of different types of social media. With recent operations and protesting by anonymous and others we have see the power in #oppaypal #oporlando #opbart and now #occupywallstreet or #takewallstreet and what it can do. Today in America is going…
Dump of Accounts from various sources
Just a couple of account dumps. Random leak emails, usernames and clear text passwords : Bunch of hotmails, yahoos, facebooks accounts all clear text and comes from BrazilObscure1 And a anonymously submitted
More Texas police and authorities leaks
As its been trending on twitter #ttt lives on and more texas police information is still seeing its way out in to the public exposing the police for what they really are. The main leak which contains links to lots of other leaked information and has this statement Texas police and authorities have demonstrated a pattern… Database Leaked by N3t Att4ck3r
N3t Att4ck3r has been busy the past few days doing a lot of SLQi hacks and dumping the results on pastebin. so far they have dumped a list of 18sites they have defaced, a list of 37 further sites that are vuneralble and 2x data bases from different websites.
Account dump from talent hunters
2nd largest database of jobseekers in Pakistan has been hacked and had a dump of accounts leaked on to pastebin. this comes from an unknown source for unknown reasons. CTRL+F for quick search. The database is emails and clear text passwords, which just shows the stupidity of the world and storing clear text information.