Would seem that Exploit-Shell has been on a hacking mission today dumping 4 database’s details and some emails/passwords aswell. the sites: https://www.souvenirsfromearth.tv/ https://pastebin.com/QgqQkdTD https://www.vritikaherbotech.com/ https://pastebin.com/EYLa0USF https://www.guaymas.gob.mx/ https://pastebin.com/FMuLjukS https://www.iea.es/ https://pastebin.com/9dFHPkqm
Author: Lee J
500 emails leaked from @CMDL1NE
As most our readers will know, we have been following a hacker going by the name @CMDL1NE . now they normally have a very common style, of dumping database details only with a rare leak here n there, today is a here day with 500emails n encrypted passwords being leaked, and also another DB information…
Interview with @NetBashers
Today we got the chance to have a one on one interview with a long standing member of Net-bashers, a hacker group who hacks for shits and giggles and is on a mission to pissoff any admin with in secure websites Recently we have been covering them from everything from defacement’s to JFK and osama leaks, Now…
Pastebin tells attackers to LEAVE US ALONE YOU FOOL!
Pastebin, an awesome website that thousands of people use every day, every minute there is more and more paste’s and content ranges from program coding to personal information and leaks. From this, paste bin has grown to be loved by many and hated by very few, and it seems that these very few are doing…
Paxfire, a service that is aimed at intercepting your search data
Recently the EFF has exposed a company for inflight modification of URL bar based searches. Paxfire has been linked to at least 9 American ISP’s and sells ads for inflight modification, simply put, they screw with the results of the searches u do. Now this is mostly possible due to the way modern day search…
Operation Chile, why, when and what its about
Anonymous, a massive group of anyone and everyone who stands up for alot of different things has taken the task on of fighting the Chilean government over the current schooling situation. In recent weeks we have seen chaos in Chile streets with some really bad stories coming back from the people who live there. The…