Over the past few days a hacker who uses the handle @XTnR3v0LT who is apart of the hacker collective Xlegions has been dumping sites as part of an Operation they have dubbed #OpLeak. During this operation there have already been 49 websites breached but so far only one of them has leaked a large amount of data. The website…
Author: Lee J
Confirmation from TwiningsUSA About recent data breach
Last month we did a minor report that the TwiningsUSA.com website had been breached and that account information had been leaked. Today we have been contacted by an anonymous member who forwarded us the below message from twiningsUSA.com who have confirmed the breach but attempted to down play it. > November 2, 2012 To…
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Hacked, #5Nov
Anonymous hacktivist have announced a "wild leak" that was uploaded to par-anoia.net on the 4th. The announcement has come from @AnonNewsDE about 15hrs ago so its one that we missed earlier. A wild #LEAK appears: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe – https://oscepa.org PWNED – Leak: https://bit.ly/Xc7PTo #5nov The leak comes from Organization for Security and…
Ecuador Military and Government and other sites Defaced For #5Nov
Hackers using the handle @LulzSec_Ecuador have posted a few websites that belong to the Ecuador military and Government that got breached in the #5Nov cyber attacks across the globe that have been taking place. The attacks were announced on twitter and all contained a common defacement. > LulzSec_Ecuador @LulzSec_Ecuador Ecuador Army https://www.inocar.mil.ec/ https://planetario.inocar.mil.ec/ https://eimaga.inocar.mil.ec/ https://goberguayas.gob.ec/ https://erfen.gob.ec/ #Nov5@Cyber_War_News https://www.inocar.mil.ec/ (site is error) https://planetario.inocar.mil.ec/ (site is error) https://eimaga.inocar.mil.ec/ https://goberguayas.gob.ec/ (site…
Telecom Italy Hacked by Anonymous for #5Nov
#5Nov or #OpVendetta attacks have been going for the past day or so and today a Italian Telecommunication giant has been hacked and had a very small amount of data leaked as a way of proving that they have obtained access. The attack is on Telecom Italy (https://www.telecomitalia.it) and leaked information comes in the form of 3 paste files from…
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Weather.gov Hacked for #5Nov
More than 48hrs on from the first attacks for #5Nov the anonymous hacktivist are still pushing out leaked data from breached websites. One of these is Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL.gov and the document that has been leaked is information related to the Ginna nuclear research facility and research they have been doing. The document is a first…