Tonight was a very quite night, being very relaxing until about 30minutes ago when a user entered the #OpAustralia IRC channel on and started taking down Australian based websites. As well as this the operation has taken sight to Tasmainian police tonite with all "fire power" going towards them which has resulted in the website being offline…
Author: Lee J
Suzuki, JEEP, Fiat hacked, defaced by Over-X & Invectus
Two hackers using the handles Over-X & Invectus have attacked more automotive based website and left them defaced. Eairler we reported on the australian honda site that ws attacked and defaced to and now it has come to light that another one, automovite site that is has fallen to hackers. The website that have been attack…
AFP issues hacking warning after ASIO attack
Federal Police have issued a stern warning to computer hackers who have been trying to crash Australian government websites. Hacking movement Anonymous has been credited with infiltrating government and company websites across the world, and now members of the group have set their sights on Australia. Acting under the banner of the Anonymous movement, hackers…
Official Australian honda news site hacked
Yet another automotive based website has been hacked and as a result left defaced. The website is owned by Honda Australia and is their news website for all things Honda The attack comes right in the middle of the current anonymous operation dubbed opaustralia which is fighting purposed security laws within Australia. The attack has nothing…
Tehran Water Company Hacked again, taken offline by yourikan
A hacker using the handle yourikan has been in contact with us as well as many other media company’s over the past few days in relation to a bunch of Iranian based websites that have been attacked. The attacks have been carried out in the name of the continued fight to stop nuclear power and weapons in Iran with that common message being left across all…
Italy: Taranto municipality website hacked and defaced for #OpItaly
An Italian towns website has been attacked and left defaced by hackers. The attack was brought to our attention via twitter from twitter user @Rofl4All who announced the following. > hacked @OpGreenRights @OperationItaly @Cyber_War_News @anon_n0n3 The website was still defaced at time of publishing and contained a message which is in italian but has been transfered…