another big name computer hardware manufacture has been struck by hackers, this time its ASUS but more so the online webstore that asus uses to sell its products such as laptops, pcs, netbooks and accessories. The attack comes from #NullCrew and was announced via twitter and posted to pastebin. Zer0Pwn @Zer0Pwn ASUS Hacked: @YourAnonNews @Cyber_War_News @softpedianews @CNETNews…
Author: Lee J
Sun Shine Coast Website Hacked and Defaced by Anonymous for #OpAustralia
If your an Australian or living/staying here you may of heard about the proposed new laws that may allows intelligence agencies to monitor and watch all forms of electronic communications. Well Anonymous hacktivist located within Australia have got angry about this and as a result they have started a all new operation that is aimed right at the Australian government. The Operation today has been attacking…
Android Forums Breached, 1,000,000+ User Account Details At Risk
In what has so far been a huge week for high profile and large data based hacks another big forum has noticed a breach and come out with an alert for the community that has over 1.3millions users. The site that was effect is which is a dedicated help forums that belong to The…
Bitcoinica breach done by leaked source code results In 40,000+ being stolen
Back in may, well known and trusted bitcoin service Bitcoinica was breached and bitcoins were stolen as a result. Since then the website has claim to shut down and has a "claims" process for those who were effected in the main breach. Well it appears that from that hack others were able to obtain access to…
860+ Sites Defaced By 3CA, 3xp1r3 Cyber Army
3xp1r3 Cyber Army hackers have been busy this week. After making a post to pastebin with the most recent mass deface listing we was surprised to see that it was 860 sites. 3CA is well known for its hacking and defacing of websites and they are one of the few crews who do real main…
Oil Giants Shell, BP and others hacked and data leaked by @le4ky
Ex @UG member le4ky has come out of a few weeks silence to release a leak from yet more oil giants. The leak is dubbed as #SaveTheArctic – Phase 2 and has set sights on Shell, BP, gazprom and rosneft. The attack was announced via twitter and was posted to with a short message. All leaked…