Bravo for standing up for transparency! C.J. LeMaster reports: Hinds County Supervisor David Archie revealed how much officials paid hackers after a cyberattack crippled county services for weeks, against the advice of the board’s attorney and federal investigators, with Archie arguing taxpayers have a right to know what’s going on with their tax dollars. The…
Author: Dissent
8 rules for “civilian hackers” during war, and 4 obligations for states to restrain them
Written by Tilman Rodenhäuser and Mauro Vignati: As digital technology is changing how militaries conduct war, a worrying trend has emerged in which a growing number of civilians become involved in armed conflicts through digital means. Sitting at some distance from physical hostilities, including outside the countries at war, civilians – including hacktivists, to cyber security professionals,…
Melissa: ransomware prevention partnership
From Politie, this press release: Driebergen – The Public Prosecution Service (OM), the police, the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC), Cyberveilig Nederland and various private parties* from the cybersecurity sector today signed the ‘Melissa’ covenant. Melissa is a partnership between these public and private parties to combat ransomware attacks. The shared goal is to make the Netherlands…
Pathology Lab Has Most of Patient’s Data Breach Claims Dismissed
Bernie Pazanowski reports: A patient at a pathology laboratory who suffered a data breach can pursue his negligence claim against Molecular Pathology Laboratory Network, Inc., but all of his other claims were dismissed. Tri Thai said that the company was subject to a “massive and preventable cyberattack” that it discovered on Dec. 17, 2021. He…
Flagler School District Loses ‘Significant Amount of Money’ in Apparent Phishing Scheme Involving Vendor
FlagerLive reports: The Flagler County school district was the target of electronic fraud involving what Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly described as a “pretty significant amount of money,” in a scheme having all the makings of phishing–a common method by fraudsters of impersonating familiar contacts either to induce a swindle or to make the recipient…
Rock County Health Department in Wisconsin victim of cyberattack
Officials in Rock County, Wisconsin have confirmed to Recorded Future News that they experienced a cyberattack on September 29: “Since some systems are not yet fully operational, this may temporarily impact certain County operations. However, the public should experience minimal service disruption at this time. We are investigating the full nature and scope of this…