Maggie Bashore has an article on ransomware attacks hitting Iowa school districts over the past three years that covers a lot of issues, including the costs of cyberinsurance over time and the difficulties smaller districts may have in meeting requirements to even get a policy. She reports, in part: Fringer advises 45 school districts in…
Author: Dissent
Cyber insurers “missing” key nuances in their underwriting strategies
Bethan Moorcraft reports: Cyber insurers are hyper-focused today on best-practice risk mitigation and cybersecurity protocols. Many carriers have introduced minimum security requirements – such as enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) for email and remote access, and possibly even using end-point detection and response (EDR) technology – before they’ll even consider writing a policy. This type of…
Vendor Claims to Have Scraped 400M Twitter User Records (with UPDATE 1)
Perhaps the top story this past week involves a sales offering on a popular hacking-related forum. The seller, who first joined the forum in December, has listed information on 400 million Twitter users for sale. No price is specified in the listing. The data, that were allegedly scraped due to a vulnerability, include email, name,…
Cyber attacks set to become ‘uninsurable’, says Zurich chief
Ian Smith reports: The chief executive of one of Europe’s biggest insurance companies has warned that cyber attacks, rather than natural catastrophes, will become “uninsurable” as the disruption from hacks continues to grow. Insurance executives have been increasingly vocal in recent years about systemic risks, such as pandemics and climate change, that test the sector’s…
Vanuatu ransomware attack claimed by RansomHouse
As previously reported, the South Pacific archipelago Vanuatu announced in early November that they had been hit with a ransomware attack that pretty much stranded the islands. Almost one month later, the islands had not recovered. On December 24, RansomHouse threat actors added the government of Vanuatu to their leak site, claiming to have locked…
Cincinnati State data breach possibly exposed Social Security numbers, other information
Quinlan Bentley reports: Cincinnati State Technical Community College says a cybersecurity breach potentially exposed personal information stored on its network. The Clifton-based college detected unauthorized access to the network on Nov. 2 and an investigation was launched in consultation with outside cybersecurity professionals, according to a notice posted to Cincinnati State’s website on Friday. Read more at…