More on the Dartmouth study reported here recently. Angela Moscaritolo of SC Magazine adds other details: Over a two-week period, Dartmouth College researchers, in collaboration with P2P monitoring vendor Tiversa, searched file-sharing networks for key terms associated with the top ten publicly traded health care firms in the country, and discovered numerous sensitive documents –…
Author: Dissent
CA: Hundreds of Hegarty Chiropractic patient charts found in dumpster
Hegarty Chiropractic may be feeling a bit bent out of shape today. They got caught dumping patient records in a dumpster. About 200 charts (files) with medical records, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, etc. Rancho Cordova police retrieved the files and turned them over to the state for investigation. You can watch the news…
CA: Medical files from chiropractic office found in dumpster
Thanks to a site visitor who alerted me to this: Here’s another one for the 2009 chronology, this one involving Hegarty Chiropractic in Rancho Cordova, California. Medical records, social security numbers, total charts just dumped in a dumpster for anyone to find. And they did. The police took possession of the files and turned them…
WA: Kennewick real estate agent sentenced for ID theft scheme
Kristin M. Kraemer reports: A 56-year-old woman who helped her adult daughter defraud bank customers so they could buy expensive online goods tearfully said Tuesday that their relationship is forever changed. Cynthia Jean Walker was sentenced in U.S. District Court in Richland to six months in federal custody — the same sentence her daughter received…
OK: Personal data stolen in SemGroup case
Rod Walton reports: Online banking bandits pulled thousands of dollars from the accounts of current and former SemGroup LP employees after personal information was inadvertently left on a bankruptcy court document made public last summer. SemGroup officials said, however, that as far as they are aware, all the money was returned to the accounts and…
Lobbying War Ensues Over Digital Health DataLobbying War Ensues Over Digital Health Data
Ellen Nakashima reports: The Senate and House appear headed for a clash over competing visions of how to protect the privacy of patients’ electronic medical records, with the House favoring strict protections advocated by consumer groups while the Senate is poised to endorse more limited safeguards urged by business interests. Read more in the Washington…