At the request of the Federal Trade Commission, a United States District Court has ordered a permanent halt to the illegal operations of an Internet-based check creation and delivery service and ordered the operators to give up all the money they made from the illegal operation. In September 2006, the FTC charged Qchex with violating…
Author: Dissent
Your medication history is an open book to Arizona government busybodies
J.D. Tuccille reports: Have you ever taken any prescription drugs I should know about? Let me rephrase that. Have you ever taken any prescription drugs that you think are none of my business or anybody else’s, for that matter? It’s all the same, if you live in a state like Arizona, where Big Brother is…
Pointer: Numbers keep rolling in on Heartland breach
Linda McGlasson of BankInfoSecurity reports: By the latest count, the number of institutions that have informed their card customers and members that they were hit as a result of the Heartland Payment Systems (HPY) data breach has swelled to 124. The second page of the article provides an alphabetical listing of banks that reported having…
UK: Data theft: More records missing
Council bosses have revealed eight computer hard drives, which could contain personal and financial information about residents, are still missing. Officials at Charnwood Borough Council say the devices are part of the same batch as one stolen by a former employee and sold on an internet auction site. They remain unaccounted for. That hard drive,…
UK: Woolworths customers risk ID fraud after staff dump banking details in a skip
Woolworths has left hundreds of its customers open to identity theft after dumping their till receipts in a skip. They contained highly-prized signatures, full bank account numbers and expiry dates, which can easily be used to clone someone’s ID. Read more in The Daily Mail
CO: Police: Credit Card Thieves Worked As Waiters
Follow-up on the story that we’ve been covering since November: The credit card numbers stolen from 200 customers at an Asian restaurant last year were taken by three people who offered to work for tips only, according to Longmont police. Cmdr. Tim Lewis told 7NEWS two men and one woman offered to work at Longmont’s…