A police complaint has been filed against eight persons on Friday for their involvement in hacking the online bank account of Gujarat Insecticide Ltd at GIDC here and transferring Rs 7.39 lakh. “They transferred the amount to a different account and pocketed the money,” said an official. The company’s account in Bank of Baroda was…
Author: Dissent
Ca: Privacy concerns slowing research
It’s a ghoulish fact that early medical research had to be conducted on stolen corpses. The problem in those days was a heightened sense of privacy about the human body. Feelings ran so high that medical schools were forced to hire grave-robbers to provide anatomical specimens. Michelangelo ransacked morgues to carry out his physiology research….
Privacy Issue Complicates Push to Link Medical Data
Robert Pear reports: President-elect Barack Obama’s plan to link up doctors and hospitals with new information technology, as part of an ambitious job-creation program, is imperiled by a bitter, seemingly intractable dispute over how to protect the privacy of electronic medical records. Lawmakers, caught in a crossfire of lobbying by the health care industry and…
WA: Hacker hits county Web site
San Juan County’s Web site was hacked January 15. The county Information Technology department is warning computer users to keep a close eye on their personal data if they accessed the site that day, although it does not appear that any data was compromised. About 8:35 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009 morning the County’s website…
TN: Howard Student Investigated for Identity Theft
David Carroll reports: A Howard High School student is being investigated on several counts of identity theft, according to officials from the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office and the Chattanooga Police Department. The student, reportedly a 15-year-old male, has been the subject of an ongoing investigation by the Fraud Department in Chattanooga and School Resource Officers…
OR: Stolen laptop creates a stir at Southwestern
Erica Rush reports: The privacy of hundreds of community college students is put at risk, after someone steals a laptop computer from the campus at Southwestern Oregon Community College. The school issued a press release on Friday stating that a new computer that contained student records for approximately 200 current and former students at Southwestern…