Jaikumar Vijayan reports on the issue of p2p exposures compromising the security and privacy of health data: Eric Johnson didn’t have to break into a computer to gain access to a 1,718-page document containing Social Security numbers, dates of birth, insurance information, treatment codes and other health care data belonging to about 9,000 patients at…
Author: Dissent
UK: Hospital apology over laptop theft
The country’s leading children’s hospital has apologised after a laptop containing information on hundreds of young patients was stolen. The computer, which was taken from a “secure area” at Great Ormond Street Hospital, in London, contained information on 458 patients, including names and dates of birth. Read more – Press Association or BBC
And here I thought the Senate forgot…
Yesterday, January 28th, Senator Dorgan introduced S. Res. 25, expressing support for January 28th as National Data Privacy Day. The resolution passed the Senate. I don’t see where President Obama made any proclamation about the day, although he was somewhat understandably preoccupied with things like our economy totally tanking. Given all the concerns that have…
Canadian Tire cancels 16,000 Mastercards after Heartland breach results in hundreds of cards being misused
Canadian Tire (TSX:CTC) says it has cancelled and is re-issuing 16,000 Mastercard credit cards issued by its financial services arm over security concerns. Spokeswoman Lisa Gibson says the cards were deemed to be at risk after a widespread security breach disclosed last week by Heartland Payment Systems (NYSE:HPY), a U.S. credit card transaction processor. Gibson…
Ca: Debit scam victims now in the ‘hundreds’
This incident keeps growing and growing….. Joe Belanger reports: Police now confirm there are “hundreds” of victims in a debit card scam in Stratford. Although police said every financial institution was hit, they’ve confirmed there were more than 350 victims at just two banks. “We’re just starting to extrapolate the data, but it’s obviously in…
Pointer: SQL Server Database Hack Tricks Forensics
OK, because I’m not a security professional but a privacy advocate, I generally do not post just “straight security” news items, but this one really touches on an issue that keeps coming up. How many times have we been told that some unnamed or named forensics service examined a recovered laptop or a hacked database…